Maintenance Schedule

The following maintenance activities and schedules are provided to aid in the development of a successful maintenance program. After any maintenance procedure, flush the high-pressure lines. Use the maintenance log to record all performed maintenance to ensure a clean and efficient abrasive waterjet system.

Task Frequency Reference
Pump maintenance
Change the crankcase oil After the first 50 hours of operation Change the Crankcase Oil
Annually, at pump rebuild, or every 250 hours after the first oil change
Inspect the wet end Periodically for evidence of leaking, contact technical support if leaking Inspect the Pump Wet End
Inspect/replace the safety valve When leaking Correct Safety Valve Water Leaks
Replace the Safety Valve
Water filtration maintenance
Change the water filter When the filter gauge approaches 25 psi or lower while the pump is running Change the Water Filter Cartridge and O-Ring
Inspect the filter housing O-ring Periodically, replace every two years or if leaking Change the Water Filter Cartridge and O-Ring
Table maintenance
Wash away garnet abrasive accumulation from equipment Daily and as often as required to maintain a clean working environment Remove the Accumulated Garnet
Clean the Cutting Stage
Remove all garnet, sludge, and slugs from the tank bottom Whenever garnet abrasive reaches the bottom of the garnet collection bins or when excessive water turbulence is noticed during cutting Clean the Catcher Tank
Empty and clean the garnet bins When the garnet bins are full or as garnet accumulates in the bins Clean the Garnet Bins
Inspect and clean the lid As needed to ensure visibility of the cutting stage Clean the Lid
Inspect and clean the cable track Periodically to prevent the build-up of garnet or other debris that would cause the cables or the track to wear Clean the Cable Track
Clean the catcher tank filters and drains As needed or when water flow is restricted, replace when worn, or water flow is restricted Clean the Catcher Tank Filters and Drains
Clean the frame and side panels As needed Clean the Frame
Clean the Side Panels
Inspect and replace individual slats Rotate monthly or more frequently if needed; replace when excessively scored and no longer stable Rotate or Replace the Slats
High-pressure lines and components Replace if damaged or if continued leaking occurs; do not try to repair Maintain the High-Pressure Lines and Components
Lubricate the X- and Y-axis lead screws and linear rails Annually or if squeaking; inspect the lead screw for dirt or damage, inspect the linear rails for dirt or damage; clean and grease if need Lubricate the Y-axis Lead Screw and Linear Rail Bearing Carriage
Lubricate the X-axis Lead Screw and Linear Rail Bearing Carriages
Replace the electrical enclosure air filters Approximately once per month, or more frequently if required based on shop conditions to maintain adequate airflow or temperature Change the Electrical Control Enclosure Air Filter
Nozzle maintenance
Inspect the abrasive tubing Before use, replace as needed Replace the Abrasive Tubing
Clean the jewel orifice assembly and nozzle body Once a week to prevent mineral buildup Clean the Orifice and Nozzle Body
Change the nozzle filter and inspect, clean and replace the inlet body O-ring After approximately 40 cutting hours or more frequently if needed Replace the Nozzle Filter
Rotate or replace the nozzle mixing tube Rotate 90 degrees (one-quarter turn) every 8 hours of cutting to even out wear; replace as needed Rotate or Replace the Mixing Tube
Inspect and replace the nozzle splash guard As needed when cracked, torn, or damaged Rotate or Replace the Mixing Tube
PC Controller maintenance
Clean the keyboard Daily or as needed Per PC manufacturer instructions
Clean the monitor screen As needed for sharp viewing Per PC manufacturer instruction
Restart the laptop Daily Per PC manufacturer instruction
Update the ProtoMAX software When OMAX releases updates Download from the ProtoMAX website
Other as specified in the PC User's Manual (provided by the manufacturer PC manufacturer-recommended Per PC manufacturer instruction