
Swap Lead Direction

Automatically switches the direction of the lead-in with the lead-out

The Swap Lead Direction command is an automatic function that switches the lead-in with the lead-out when either of the two leads are clicked. There are no settings or adjustments. This function is useful when the lead-in cut is going in the opposite direction from what's required, for example, clockwise instead of counterclockwise. Swap Lead Direction always uses the original lead length.


Lead Swap Requirements

  • There must be two leads
  • The two leads must share a common point within 0.0001".
  • The two leads must be the closest two leads at the location clicked.

Clicking either lead i/o automatically swaps the lead-in with the lead-out. See note below.



Always click the lead at a point closest to the second lead being switched (white arrow above). Clicking a lead too far from the other lead and closer to a different lead in an another i/o pair (red arrow) results in an error message.

To correct this, click the lead at a location that is closest to the second lead.


See Also

Move Existing Lead

Lead i/o