
Edit / Add Material

Add New Material

Use this option to include your own materials on the Material list. Clicking Add New Material displays the following pop-up menu:

The Menu for Adding New Materials to Your Material Setup Options


Material Name:

Type in the name of this material as it will appear on the Material list.



The name given to your material is also used as the name of a file that supports this material. It is important that your material name not contain any characters or symbols that would not be allowed for use in a Windows' file name.



Enter the machineability value required to cut this material.


Material Category:

Click the down arrow to display the list of available categories. Click the one that fits the material being added.



Pierceability is a material parameter used in the cutting model to predict stationary (not dynamic) piercing time. A larger value means a shorter stationary piercing time. Select Automatic to use the displayed Machineability value for piercing. Select the other option to enter a custom machineability value for piercing.




Enter any information of importance to you about this added material.


View/Edit This Material...

Click this option to view and edit your material's settings. This uses the same menu provided previously in Add New Material. You cannot edit any materials that were provided as part of the software. To view and edit a material you entered, select it from the Material list and then click View/Edit This Material on the Machineability pop-up menu.