1. Attach the pump control box [1] to the side of the tank away from the drain hose [2].

Figure 4  

2. Insert the filter bag [1] through the tank cover hole until the filter lip [2] sits properly on top of the tank cover.

Figure 5  

3. Expand the filter bag sides.
4. Place the drain water filter tank [2] approximately 12 in. (30 cm) from the right rear corner of the machine [1].

Figure 6  

5. Measure and cut the catcher tank drain water hose [1] so it reaches the middle of the tank cover, if needed.

Figure 7  

6. Insert the barbed end of the 90-degree elbow [2] to the catcher tank drain hose [1] , then position the elbow at the center of the tank cover. Secure the hose with the filter bag strap, if needed.

Figure 8  


To avoid clogging the drain hose or overflowing the tank, make sure the 90-degree elbow is positioned in the center of the filter bag and there are no bends, kinks, or sags along the catcher tank drain hose.

7. Connect the drain water filter tank hose [1] to the drainage system.

Figure 9